
相較於履歷和cover letter,面試的重點不在於用華文辭藻去潤飾單字與文法,而是在與用精確與清晰易懂的口語讓面試官了解你的個人特質與專業經歷。以下我舉的內容,或許用字比較淺白(其實我也編不出華麗的演講稿),所以我會把重點放在淺顯易懂,能把重心表達出來的方向。如果有更好的表現方式,歡迎在下面留言分享!

Tell me about yourself

這樣類的問題,英文說法為”Open Question”,也就是一個開放式的問題,開放式問題沒有絕對的方向,讓回答者有無限的創造空間。也因此這可能是面試裡面最難回答的問題。因為:






試著思考,你過去的經驗、專業知識與技術和能力,有哪些是面試的職缺需要的特質?(這就是答案!)再來,光說著「我很有組織能力」、「我知道如何臨機應變」是不夠的,最好能舉個例,也就是 tell a story,讓你所說的這些能力轉變成一個實際發生的經驗,這絕對有加分效果!

I have been working in Sales and Customer Service division over the past 5 years. These experiences have allowed to cultivate many skills and sharpen my business acumen. I’d really describe myself as a person with a versatile skill-set, a lot of integrity and a willingness to go the extra mile to satisfy a customer.  

Perhaps the best way to let you know what I’m about is to share with you a quick experience I had:  (開始舉例)

During my time work for ……. I had a client who …… I offered him …… and told him …… At first, the client refused and when I asked him why he told me that…….. So I invited him …….. At the end… they were stunned by ……. My client was so happy he referred me to his friends and I’ve done similar work for several other companies as a result. 

I enjoyed ….. Now I’m looking to take my career to the next level, looking for a career that I can keep learning and growing. 

What motivates you?


當然,很直覺性的,「當然是領薪水、爭福利阿!!」不過,當然,你不能這麼直接的跟面試官說就是為了錢來工作。其實對方想知道的是你有與公司的核心價值相映;因此,不僅了解職缺核心需求,最好上網查一下公司的value是什麼?他們看中的員工特質是什麼,依此特質去說明。譬如我就遇到有個公司的員工核心價值是 work hard play hard。所以他們希望員工不但認真上班,還願意撥時間參與公司活動和聚會。

I’m very results-driven. Doing a good job and achieving the desired end result is my primary motivation. While I enjoy working on my own, I’m particularly motivated by the idea of working in a team. It’s very rewarding working closely with others who share the same common goal. I also like changes; most people afraid of the changes but I think changes bring challenges and challenges create improvement.

What are your strengths?


I can multitask calmly under the pressure.
I think one of my biggest strength is that I am an excellent communicator, having always been able to quickly and easily convey ideas and concepts to others while making them feel comfortable and unthreatened at the same time. I’ve found that this had helped me become a great salesperson because it allows me to build trust with my clients, which leads to the exchange of information. This information then helps me identify the right “buttons to push” and ultimately paves the way to the final sale. Let me make an example… there was this one time…

What are your weaknesses?



When there’s a deadline meet, I tend to want things to be done quickly and efficiently and because of that, I would consistently keep chasing the status with the team members that involved in the project. This sometimes made me appear to be impatient or demanding in front of others. I’ve noticed that through the feedback from my peers. Since then I’ve managed to change the way of approach to my colleagues.  Furthermore, I’ve implemented daily standup meetings that I learned from a Management course where everyone shares their updates and that not only improves the efficiency of the tasks but also brings better communication to the team. 

Tell me more about your job at XXX.



舉例:XXX company is an XXX agency who specialised in …
As a XXX … I managed about 90 accounts, dealing with clients’ inquiries, including ….. I was awarded the best salesperson of the month… I organised the annual event which brought…..

Why do you want to leave your current job?


舉例:At the end of the day, I am proud to be a member of XXX and I thoroughly enjoy everybody on my team, including my boss. But at some point during my time working there I realised that I am not passionate about the type of work I am doing as an agency. Specifically, I want to be able to work on XXX which is why I am so excited about the opportunity to interview with you. I believe my passion for account management will complement this position well and allow me to grow with your company long term.

What Do You Know About Our Company


通常,除了在公司官網詳細的閱讀業務內容外,最好也連結到他們的官網Blog, News, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn 這類,了解他們近況的發展。譬如「我知道你們6月即將參加某某地方的國際貿易展,我以前也參與過這場展會…」或「如果我記得沒錯,你們上月剛在伯明翰新開了你們的分公司…在你們的競爭對手XXX的對面…」等等。哪個老師不喜歡已經有做過功課的學生呢?

Where Do you see yourself in 5 years?




First of all, I’d like to get to know the company’s ins and outs, leaning as much as I can, as quickly as I can. From there, I see myself becoming a true expert at my role. And with my expertise, I’d looking for opportunities that can make the team as efficient as possible, improving the process and coming up with creative solutions. I’d also like to be an active participant in the company, offer help to others, whether it be sales, marketing and operations using my skills and knowledge gained from my role.

Your Salary Expectations



If this is the right job for me, I am sure we can come to an agreement on salary.

How Do You Handle Stress?



舉例: I’d say I react to situations rather than to stress. When there is a situation, you gotta find a plan/solution, and I find it actually helps me to stay motivated and productive. For example, I once had three major projects due in the same week, which could be a lot of pressure. However, I planned ahead, broke down the tasks into chunks and assign to the team members and make sure everyone’s workload is in a good balance. In the end, we completed all three projects ahead of time and avoided unnecessary stress.


  • What major problems have you encountered at work, and how did you deal with them?
  • Tell me about your biggest achievement?
  • Describe a difficult experience at work and how you handled it.
  • How do you deliver your service?
    My experience is to know your client, anticipate their needs and deliver service far above the expectation from the client. The best service is proactive. The next best is being timely and responsive when it’s reactive. 」)


  • 我通常會將職缺的內容仔細看一遍,第二遍將”Qualifications and Skills”或”Requirements”的內容把一些公司希望的技能、經驗或特質用螢光筆畫記重點。然後把這些重點方在我的答案中

  • 如果能爭對每個問題舉一個過去的經歷做舉例是最好的

  • 準備好一份問題清單與回答,不斷反覆的練習回答的方式,盡量保持自然、從容和自信的態度

  • 做自己(重要!),絕對不要像是被演講稿一樣去背答案。記得,面試官能感受的但你的不自然,他有可能會知道你是因為緊張,但也有可能會讓他覺得你對自己的回答沒有信心



如果你正要/打算在國外尋找工作,或想進外商公司,但是不知道履歷怎麼寫?Cover Letter要不要寫?面試要怎麼準備?英語要怎麼不花錢的去增進口說與聽力能力?找工作的過程是很容易讓人精疲力盡的,有時候不是你沒有能力,而是用的方式不對。加入「第一次英文求職就上手 Job Search Bootcamp」的課程吧!講師帶你一步一步,計畫性、策略性地完成你的求職歷程。

